Sunday, October 11, 2009

Catwoman... maybe???

Well, I thought that my next blog would be about Rachel's Elmo party that I have planned in a few days, but that changed with our trip to Stuart, VA to visit Scott's family last weekend!  We had planned this trip a while ago, but had certainly not planned to come home with a kitten!  Scott's sister, Stacy, had rescued a cat who ended up having 5 kittens.  She offered us one as soon as we got there and we joked about it at first (I assumed we wouldn't end up with one considering Scott's constant joking about what cats are best for and his allergies to them), but I left the final decision up to Scott.  Who knew that Scott's continual dialogue about his hatred for cats was really hiding a cat-lover?  Okay, so Scott might actually ask me to remove that statement, and whenever I mention it, he says that "it's not a cat, it's a kitten!".  But he does say that he takes allergy medicine daily for seasonal allergies anyway and we'll watch the kids closely for allergies (we've been concerned before about their allergies before).  And he has really taken to the kitten, Rudy (yes, named after the Notre Dame football player... the other name we considered was Frodo)! 

As for me... the kitten is cute, but I'm still not really feeling like much of a "cat-person".  I feel like I am still much more of a "dog-person".  I love my Bailey and she may be frustrating at times, but I'm so much more used to dealing with dog stuff and prefer it!  Granted, much of what we've dealt with is just training (after the first night, I found a "gift" in the bed next to me... of course that was the last night the kitten slept in our bed, which I'm sure will change once Rudy gets older), but the whole "kitty litter" experience has been interesting for me.  Rudy was an outdoor cat until we brought him home... he's only about 6-7 weeks old and spent the first few weeks of his life outdoors with the mommy cat in the country!  And he is pretty much litter box trained now after a week of staying in our bathroom with food, water, & litter box while we were at work & school.  But it would be so much easier to just take the kitten outside and not have to worry about scooping every time he does his business.  It's also really hard to get dressed around the kitten because he loves playing with everything that moves (including my feet and the clothes I'm trying to put on)... cute, but frustrating when I'm in a hurry!  We had an interesting evening one night this week, as well, when we couldn't find Rudy for several hours.  Scott reassured me that he was fine and that's what cats do, but I had a really hard time with that!  Not knowing where and what it was doing was hard for someone who tries to have complete control of my house.  Plus, Bailey constantly follows me from room to room and sits wherever I end up staying.  That may be annoying when I'm tripping over her carrying laundry to the rooms, but I do enjoy her company and I like knowing where she is!  It's going to be hard getting used to a cat not caring where I am or what I'm doing unless it wants to!  :)  I guess I will be giving this little bundle of cuteness a little more time before I decide if I'm a "cat-person" or not.  Not to worry, Bailey, I'm still a "dog-person"!

Josiah has definitely become a "cat-person" like his daddy!  The kitten loved the 3-hour drive home from VA on Josiah's lap!  He's become really attached to Rudy and has learned how to pick him up and take care of him.  Rachel, on the other hand, also loves the kitten and runs around chasing him around saying "kitty", but definitely is not allowed to pick Rudy up (despite how much she tries) because she's a little too rough!

Bailey's still not sure what to think of Rudy!  She also chases the kitten around just sniffing at him and trying to figure out if he's a new friend to play with or if he's competition.  Hopefully they'll figure each other out soon!  The constant chasing around the living room is getting annoying (if you've been at the Fox Hollow house for holidays and get togethers, just think both Baileys when they're playing!)!

1 comment:

The Flowers said...

Ok, so Rudy is a definitely a girl!!!